Render Condition Surveys and Maintenance - Docklands

An extensive, modern residential apartment block, the buildings had been finished with a proprietary ‘thin coat’ render system, coloured white. The Directors were concerned that after 10 years the buildings were not keeping their appearance and that many water leaks were reported.

An extensive, modern residential apartment block, the buildings had been finished with a proprietary ‘thin coat’ render system, coloured white. The Directors were concerned that after 10 years the buildings were not keeping their appearance and that many water leaks were reported.

Metcalfe Briggs completed a condition survey of the elevations and roofs found at various levels of the array of buildings. This revealed that the rendering was very dirty and had algae growths in shaded areas; this made the elevations look shabby. We discovered that there were many small cracks in the render due to detailing inadequacies, poor render application and mechanical damage. These issues were scheduled. We discussed the issues with the render manufacturer.

From this we delivered proposals to the Directors for repairs, regular maintenance and cleaning that would restore the appearance of their property. This for a property where it was assumed that no such maintenance was required.

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Planned Maintenance Programme for 400 Flats - Docklands

This prestigious property in Docklands is a modern apartment complex with in excess of 400 flats.  It has brickwork elevations, flat roofs and powder coated aluminium windows, doors and trims.  The internal common parts are extensive but are similarly unfussy.  As would be expected in such a building there is a substantial amount of M&E. It could be assumed that there is little to be done to maintain such a building. 

This prestigious property in London Docklands is a modern apartment complex with in excess of 400 flats.  It has brickwork elevations, flat roofs and powder coated aluminium windows, doors and trims.  The internal common parts are extensive but are similarly unfussy.  As would be expected in such a building there is a substantial amount of M&E. It could be assumed that there is little to be done to maintain such a building. 

Our client required a long term Asset Management Plan for future annual budgeting. They also wanted a definitive document that would be used to realise a maintenance work programme year by year.

Having surveyed the buildings Metcalfe Briggs produced a PMP schedule by building element each with a budget cost for maintenance identified by year.  Other than M&E items which have prescribed maintenance and replacement periods there were many small, relatively standard items that need regular maintenance and eventual renewal in order to keep the building in good order.

The PMP has already been used to identify and complete the first year of maintenance and decorations required which included a catch up of the backlog of maintenance not previously done.

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Planned Maintenance Cost into Annual Budget - Docklands

A very large apartment block in Docklands has a considerable amount of rainscreen cladding to the elevations.  This type of cladding has powder coated surfaces and many seams, mastic joint seals, gaskets, pop rivets and weep holes all of which have periodic maintenance and renewal needs.  Metcalfe Briggs used a large cherry picker to reach the ‘nooks and crannies’ of each elevation so that all building elements could be identified, the quantity accurately assessed and the maintenance regime defined.

A very large apartment block in the London Docklands area has a considerable amount of rainscreen cladding to the elevations.  This type of cladding has powder coated surfaces and many seams, mastic joint seals, gaskets, pop rivets and weep holes all of which have periodic maintenance and renewal needs.  Metcalfe Briggs used a large cherry picker to reach the ‘nooks and crannies’ of each elevation so that all building elements could be identified, the quantity accurately assessed and the maintenance regime defined.

Completing the Asset Management Plan needed a detailed, methodical approach as the building is not repetitive.  Nonetheless the resultant PMP schedule captured the information necessary for annual budgeting.  It has also proved invaluable for cyclical maintenance procurement where quantities are key when tendering for the works.

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High-Rise Survey and Planned Maintenance - East London

A high rise apartment complex in Docklands presented particular difficulties to survey and complete a Asset Management Plan.  Tiered roof balconies and rising to 16 storeys meant external access using scaffold or a cherry picker was physically and economically impossible.  Instead rope access was chosen to get close to the elevations to understand the building’s construction and condition.

A high rise apartment complex in Docklands presented particular difficulties to survey and complete a Asset Management Plan.  Tiered roof balconies and rising to 16 storeys meant external access using scaffold or a cherry picker was physically and economically impossible.  Instead rope access was chosen to get close to the elevations to understand the building’s construction and condition.

With the resultant survey information Metcalfe Briggs consulted building manufacturer’s information to specify the procedure and frequency of maintenance required for the render found on the elevations.  This allowed us to build up a detailed PMP which defined costs at building element level.  It also identified some regular maintenance items that had not been realised as necessary by our client. 

The resultant PMP schedule is a complete reference document that can be used with confidence to budget and specify maintenance work by year.

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