Planned Maintenance Programme for 400 Flats - Docklands
This prestigious property in London Docklands is a modern apartment complex with in excess of 400 flats. It has brickwork elevations, flat roofs and powder coated aluminium windows, doors and trims. The internal common parts are extensive but are similarly unfussy. As would be expected in such a building there is a substantial amount of M&E. It could be assumed that there is little to be done to maintain such a building.
Our client required a long term Asset Management Plan for future annual budgeting. They also wanted a definitive document that would be used to realise a maintenance work programme year by year.
Having surveyed the buildings Metcalfe Briggs produced a PMP schedule by building element each with a budget cost for maintenance identified by year. Other than M&E items which have prescribed maintenance and replacement periods there were many small, relatively standard items that need regular maintenance and eventual renewal in order to keep the building in good order.
The PMP has already been used to identify and complete the first year of maintenance and decorations required which included a catch up of the backlog of maintenance not previously done.