Chartered Building Surveyors in Essex
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We are Chartered Building Surveyors based in Basildon. We are strategically placed to serve all parts of the County and east London to provide professional and project services for business and private clients.
If you require buildings advice or a survey Metcalfe Briggs Surveyors has the local knowledge to assist you.
Please see our range of services that gives more information.
To contact us please call on 01732 852258 or request a call back.
Surveying services we offer in Essex
When there is a lease agreement between a landlord and tenant for the commercial occupation of accommodation, for example offices, a warehouse, retail or commercial operations, the lease will contain covenants, amongst others, in respect of how a tenant must maintain a property during their occupation and give it back (yield up) at lease end (termination).
Time to discuss repairing, altering or excavating with a party wall surveyor? Our party wall surveyors know the strict legal procedures you must follow. You should serve a Party Wall notice on your neighbour should certain circumstances apply.
Metcalfe Briggs Surveyors has a wealth of experience in undertaking stock condition and life cycle surveys of existing street properties, low rise and high rise estates for rented and leasehold Housing Association and Registered Social Landlords.
Even with an experienced contractor and client, building disputes can sometimes arise. With an inexperienced and “first time” client, building disputes are more likely particularly when design and contract documentation are sparse.
Asset Management Plans identify each building element, its condition and the maintenance action required. It assigns every item a priority rating. Each element has an estimated cost using industry accepted data sources, and a defined timing for when the planned maintenance should occur.
Metcalfe Briggs Surveyors has been regularly instructed by Registered Social Landlords to advise on target properties for purchase and repair acquisitions for over 10 years now, these can either be street properties or estate blocks.
The regeneration or refurbishment of existing estates presents a number of difficulties...
Metcalfe Briggs Surveyors has an expert reputation for converting, de-converting, adapting and/or extending a multitude of existing properties. From converting large street properties to provide care or supportive living accommodation for social housing clients to adapting under used or redundant properties in order to increase rental income.
Examples of our surveying work in Essex
Our client had found that their existing 5 bay steel framed metal and corrugated asbestos cement sheet clad building was not fit for purpose for the servicing and carrying out of MOTs for commercial vehicles. Modern vehicles tended to be longer and therefore the building was not deep enough to cater for them.
Our client was about to take a short-term lease for a large warehouse unit for a furniture retail business. His solicitor advised that it would be prudent to have completed a Schedule of Condition to append to the lease to limit his liability. Although time was short, Metcalfe Briggs completed the survey and delivered the Schedule of Condition without delay.
Metcalfe Briggs Surveyors was appointed as Single Joint Expert in a dispute being heard in the County Court, involving an office refurbishment. A Single Joint Expert acts on behalf of both parties in dispute, acting impartially to consider all material facts, in his area of expertise. He delivers to the Court an independent report with a duty that the facts stated in the report are true and that the opinions expressed are correct.
A vacant parcel of land in Essex was ripe for development to provide a residential refuge for women and children with support needs requiring temporary accommodation. It consists of 5 self contained 1 and 2 bedroom flats with a communal lounge and office for 24hr support for East Thames Group.
Existing domestic garages to the rear of an established Housing Estate made way for this single storey building providing 6 self contained flats for people with learning difficulties and included a staff office, sleepover room with en-suite shower facilities and communal room. It was developed for East Thames and included extensive communal gardens provided for the benefit of the residents.
A new development, a local authority Welcome Centre was to be built next to the Adjoining Owner’s site comprising residential care home flats. Although there were no boundary structures the new development required foundations deeper than those of the flats.
A vacant parcel of land in Essex was ripe for development to provide a residential refuge for women and children with support needs requiring temporary accommodation. It consists of 5 self contained 1 and 2 bedroom flats with a communal lounge and office for 24hr support.
Metcalfe Briggs Surveyors provide the following contract administration professional services: feasibility, project brief and works specification; competitive tendering to contractors, contractor appointment using a standard form of contract and contract administration pre and during the contract through to completion that will enable the delivery of your project.