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Stock Condition Survey for London Borough Housing Association

Metcalfe Briggs was subsequently delighted to continue working for a London Borough Housing Association by carrying out a Stock Condition Survey of the Housing Association’s entire stock.

A Housing Association in a London Borough which, with the assistance of, and long term successful association with, Metcalfe Briggs on a number of purchase and repair schemes, expanded its original portfolio of sheltered housing schemes and houses in multiple occupation to include street properties for general needs.

Metcalfe Briggs was subsequently delighted to continue this association by carrying out a Stock Condition Survey of the Housing Association’s entire stock. The existing buildings ranged from Victorian, 1930s, 1950s and 1990s housing to 1960s and 1990s sheltered housing schemes.

It was important for the Housing Association to complete these surveys from time to time to assess the potential costs of maintenance and repair so that future budgets could be realistically set.

Our surveys consisted of both internal and external inspections of houses,  HMO and sheltered housing schemes with sample flats inspected in detail within the large schemes to establish the condition and state of repair.  

Our survey reports described the external and internal elements of construction, their condition and the extent of repair or redecoration required for a period of 30 years, together with indicative costs.

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