Contract administration – Upgrade for two sports pavilions – London Borough

As part of a London Council’s programme of bringing their park buildings into good repair and maintaining their commercial viability, two sports and recreational pavilions built in the late 1950s were identified as requiring upgrading and modernisation. 

As part of a London Council’s programme of bringing their park buildings into good repair and maintaining their commercial viability, two sports and recreational pavilions built in the late 1950s were identified as requiring upgrading and modernisation. 

Proposals included providing a new accessible toilet with shower facilities, new accessible ramps, upgrading of the hot water and electrical installations together with new kitchen, floor coverings and decorations both internally and externally.

The Council had already carried out surveys, produced specifications based on those surveys and appointed a contractor to carry out works to both pavilions as one contract. We were instructed to administer the contract from contractor appointment through to completion and the end of defects.

The combined value of the refurbishment works equated to £200k and both pavilions were successfully handed back for use by local cricket and football clubs and community groups.

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Contract administration – building conversion for boxing club – London Borough

A London Council had identified one of its disused and run down park pavilions as an ideal property for refurbishment and conversion for use by a boxing club. The existing building consisted of a single storey structure with a flat roof above and roof level water tank.

A London Council had identified one of its disused and run down park pavilions as an ideal property for refurbishment and conversion for use by a boxing club. The existing building consisted of a single storey structure with a flat roof above and roof level water tank. The building housed a large number of small internal rooms resulting in inefficient use of space. 

The Council obtained planning approval for the conversion which included a main gym with a boxing ring and training areas plus associated facilities. The works were tendered as separate packages for the building works and mechanical and electrical works with Metcalfe Briggs Surveyors being appointed to administer the contract for the two packages (with separate contractors) managing the project from the pre-contract phase through the construction works to completion and end of defects period with an overall contract figure of £380k.

The project was successfully completed and handed over for use by a local boxing club.

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Contract administration – New Build commercial building - Essex

Our client had found that their existing 5 bay steel framed metal and corrugated asbestos cement sheet clad building was not fit for purpose for the servicing and carrying out of MOTs for commercial vehicles. Modern vehicles tended to be longer and therefore the building was not deep enough to cater for them.  

Our client had found that their existing 5 bay steel framed metal and corrugated asbestos cement sheet clad building was not fit for purpose for the servicing and carrying out of MOTs for commercial vehicles. Modern vehicles tended to be longer and therefore the building was not deep enough to cater for them.  

Planning approval for a larger building was granted and we were approached to obtain building regulation approval and project manage the construction. We instigated investigations involving trial holes and soil analysis around the existing building to determine the foundation design and put together a package of working drawings and specification of works to enable contractors to submit competitive quotations.

Building Regulation matters were handled through the approved inspector route. Whilst this was being carried out the client arranged for the demolition of the existing building and the vehicle servicing business continued in a temporary building erected within the confines of the site.

The new build incorporated a purpose built inspection pit in one of the five bays and separate electrical systems to enable the large warehouse to be split into three separate areas increasing its marketability should the need arise in the future. The new colour coated metal clad steel framed building with power floated floor, metal roller shutters, fire escape doors and large concrete apron to the front was successfully handed over to the client upon completion. 

The overall value of the new build was £244k.

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Contract administration – Reinstatement following a fire - London

A fire originating in the bedroom of this first floor flat in the heart of the docklands spread throughout the property causing damage to the roof structure, internal partitions and joinery with smoke damage contaminating the remaining area. Metcalfe Briggs Surveyors was instructed following its long-term housing association client’s agreement with the loss adjustor appointed on behalf of the insurers.

A fire originating in the bedroom of this first floor flat in the heart of the docklands spread throughout the property causing damage to the roof structure, internal partitions and joinery with smoke damage contaminating the remaining area. Water damage had been caused to the ground floor flat whilst the fire brigade had brought the fire under control.

Metcalfe Briggs Surveyors was instructed following its long-term housing association client’s agreement with the loss adjustor appointed on behalf of the insurers.

A survey was carried out, a specification of works prepared, competitive tenders organised and, following loss adjustor’s agreement, contract administrator duties were performed throughout to completion using a JCT Contract and end of defects resulting in both affected properties being brought back into habitable use 

All the works orders relating to the investigations, temporary works and reinstatement works were collated and submitted and the final claim with the loss adjustor was agreed.

The value of the reinstatement works was £65k and both properties were successfully handed back to the housing association for re-letting.

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Contract administration – Reinstatement following a fire - Reading

Following a fire, extensive damage was caused throughout the first floor of a housing association tenanted home decimating the roof structure and front elevation. Smoke damage contaminated the remainder of the property. The project value was £80k and was successfully completed and handed over to the housing association for re-letting.

Following a fire, extensive damage was caused throughout the first floor of a housing association tenanted home decimating the roof structure and front elevation. Smoke damage contaminated the remainder of the property.

Loss adjuster agreement led to Metcalfe Briggs Surveyors being instructed by a long-term housing association client to prepare a specification of works designed to bring the property back into habitable use, organise competitive tendering and act as contract administrator through to completion and end of defects.   

An interesting situation arose during the administering of the contract. The property formed part of a larger housing development constructed circa 1994. Part of the architectural design was to use French produced roof double tiles. Whilst great efforts were made to source a supply of second hand tiles to match, this was unsuccessful.

The solution agreed by all parties was to salvage existing tiles from the rear elevation to ensure that the front roof slope maintained its appearance from street view whilst modern interlocking tiles were used on the rear elevation which overlooked adjoining gardens. 

Before the reinstatement

Before the reinstatement

After the reinstatement

After the reinstatement

The project value was £80k and was successfully completed and handed over to the housing association for re-letting.

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