Employers Agent For Social Housing, London

This development of land adjoining 2 properties in Stratford, London E15 allowed a three storey building to be constructed to provide 6 self contained flats for people with mental health disabilities with ground floor office accommodation.

This development of land adjoining 2 properties in Stratford, London E15 allowed a three storey building to be constructed to provide 6 self contained flats for people with mental health disabilities with ground floor office accommodation.

Acting as Employers Agent, Metcalfe Briggs Surveyors procured a design and build contract to achieve the client’s Project Design Quality Plan including meeting Housing Corporation Scheme Development Standards, Secured by Design, NHBC Building Choice Warranty and Eco Homes ‘very good’ standard.

Completed for East Thames Group this building consists of a concrete frame with a mixture of facing brickwork and through colour render to achieve the overall appearance.

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Employers Agent For a Residential Project, Romford, Essex

This £1.9M scheme was to deliver 20 one and two bedroom flats for a Shared Ownership as part of a larger residential/commercial development for East Thames Group. The seven storey block of flats was constructed using a bison concrete frame clad in coloured metal panels. To achieve Planning Conditions for car parking a Katopark car stacker was used.

This £1.9M scheme was to deliver 20 one and two bedroom flats for a Shared Ownership as part of a larger residential/commercial development for East Thames Group. The seven storey block of flats was constructed using a bison concrete frame clad in coloured metal panels. To achieve Planning Conditions for car parking a Katopark car stacker was used.

Acting as Employers Agents Metcalfe Briggs Surveyors procured a Design and Build Contract to achieve the client’s project design quality plan, Housing Corporation Scheme Development Standards, secured by design and NHBC Building Choice Warranty.

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Social Housing Development For Residential Refuge, South Essex

A vacant parcel of land in Essex was ripe for development to provide a residential refuge for women and children with support needs requiring temporary accommodation. It consists of 5 self contained 1 and 2 bedroom flats with a communal lounge and office for 24hr support.

A vacant parcel of land in Essex was ripe for development to provide a residential refuge for women and children with support needs requiring temporary accommodation. It consists of 5 self contained 1 and 2 bedroom flats with a communal lounge and office for 24hr support.

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Social Landlord Leasehold Dilapidations Survey - Kent

In 1914 a family trust created a lease of 99 years’ duration at a rent of £3 for a row of six tenanted cottages in Kent to provide accommodation under the Housing of the Working Classes Acts 1890-1909 – i.e. social housing.

In 1914 a family trust created a lease of 99 years’ duration at a rent of £3 for a row of six tenanted cottages in Kent to provide accommodation under the Housing of the Working Classes Acts 1890-1909 – i.e. social housing.

Over the years the lease was assigned several times but on approaching expiry there was a need to assess dilapidations both for cottages which had become vacant and for cottages which were still occupied and where the tenants were hoping to remain after the lease had reverted to the landlord.

Metcalfe Briggs Surveyors acting for the Registered Social Landlord leaseholder, conducted a survey of the exterior and interior condition and decoration, assessed the extent of dilapidations liability under the lease and negotiated an agreed financial sum with the landlord in order to negotiate an early surrender of the lease and to ensure a smooth transition for the remaining residents.

The requirements of the public funding body for social housing had to be taken into account and, ultimately, the Social Landlord leaseholder decided to undertake repairs themselves and to hand the properties back at lease expiry in good repair, having taken advantage of standing arrangements with framework contractors in order to carry out the necessary repairs economically.

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