Appointed Surveyor on Party Wall Excavations - Ilford
A new development, a local authority Welcome Centre was to be built next to the Adjoining Owner’s site comprising residential care home flats. Although there were no boundary structures the new development required foundations deeper than those of the flats.
A new development, a local authority Welcome Centre was to be built next to the Adjoining Owner’s site comprising residential care home flats. Although there were no boundary structures the new development required foundations deeper than those of the flats.
Under the Party Wall etc. Act 1996 a Section 6 Adjacent Excavations Notice was served by the development’s Building Owner. Upon receipt East Thames, owner of the flats appointed Metcalfe Briggs Surveyors to act on their behalf as Adjoining Owner’s Surveyor.
Metcalfe Briggs Surveyors attended the site with the Building Owner’s Surveyor to record and agree the schedule of condition of the affected areas including the flats adjacent to the proposed development. Metcalfe Briggs Surveyors scrutinised, amended and subsequently agreed the Party Wall Award with the Building Owner’s Surveyor which was published to both parties. Upon completion the schedule of condition was resurveyed; no defects were found.