Condition Surveys for Council’s park buildings – London Borough

Metcalfe Briggs Surveyors assisted a London Council by carrying out surveys of a number of council owned and maintained park buildings in several locations throughout the Borough.  The buildings included chapels, pavilions, storage units and toilet blocks constructed throughout the Victorian era, 1950s and modern day, in varying styles and state of repair.

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Contract administration – New Build commercial building - Essex

Our client had found that their existing 5 bay steel framed metal and corrugated asbestos cement sheet clad building was not fit for purpose for the servicing and carrying out of MOTs for commercial vehicles. Modern vehicles tended to be longer and therefore the building was not deep enough to cater for them.  

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Contract administration – Reinstatement following a fire - London

A fire originating in the bedroom of this first floor flat in the heart of the docklands spread throughout the property causing damage to the roof structure, internal partitions and joinery with smoke damage contaminating the remaining area. Metcalfe Briggs Surveyors was instructed following its long-term housing association client’s agreement with the loss adjustor appointed on behalf of the insurers.

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Contract administration – Reinstatement following a fire - Reading

Following a fire, extensive damage was caused throughout the first floor of a housing association tenanted home decimating the roof structure and front elevation. Smoke damage contaminated the remainder of the property. The project value was £80k and was successfully completed and handed over to the housing association for re-letting.

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Schedule of Condition for West Thurrock Retail Park - Essex

Our client was about to take a short-term lease for a large warehouse unit for a furniture retail business. His solicitor advised that it would be prudent to have completed a Schedule of Condition to append to the lease to limit his liability.  Although time was short, Metcalfe Briggs completed the survey and delivered the Schedule of Condition without delay.

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Schedule of Condition before Construction - Vauxhall, London

Before commencement of construction of a 50 storey residential complex, the contractor required a Schedule of Condition of the surrounding area to provide protection against spurious claims.  We surveyed the adjacent building elevations and joinery, walls, fences, pavements, road surfaces, ironworks and street furniture to produce a record Schedule of Condition document for safekeeping.

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Pre-construction Schedule of Condition for a Shopping Mall - Southampton

A major refurbishment and expansion of a mezzanine level food hall was proposed.  Located in the middle of the shopping centre the contractor was concerned to have a record particularly as the work on the project would be carried out during the night time.  Metcalfe Briggs Surveyors undertook a detailed survey to produce a written Schedule with associated photographs of the condition of all retail unit and common area façades, the tiled floors, soffits, stairs and balconies. 

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Dilapidation Settlement at 50% of the Claim - London

Metcalfe Briggs Surveyors were appointed by an education provider who had vacated two floors in this West London office building. A near six figure claim was put forward by the landlord based mainly on suspended ceilings, scruffy condition of the carpets, internal decorations and the need to strip out tenant’s alterations.

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Leasehold Dilapidation Settlement at 40% - East Sussex

Metcalfe Briggs Surveyors were appointed by the tenant of this small provincial secondary office where a Schedule of Dilapidations totaling £12,500 had been served by the landlord. If successful, this would have resulted in a claim in the region of £16,000. Metcalfe Briggs Surveyors made a detailed inspection of the building and an analysis of the Schedule of Dilapidations.

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Condition Survey & Tenants Dilapidation Advice - London

This is a case where Metcalfe Briggs Surveyors advised the client, a major Further Education College, on entry to and exit from the building at the end of the lease. Before the start of the lease extensive fit out works were undertaken by the landlord for the prospective tenant.

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Thorough Schedule of Dilapidations & Large Claim - Kent

This modern but dated three storey office block in Ashford had been vacated by a public sector client who had made extensive internal alterations and subjected the property to very considerable wear and tear. A detailed survey resulted in a comprehensive Schedule of Dilapidations running to hundreds of items.

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